Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19th

Here's your daily prompt, writers! Don't feel like you have to limit your responses to a single sentence. Write as much or as little as you wish.

Settling into the red velvet seat of the theater, Thomas took a furtive glance at his surroundings, hoping no one would sit close to him, as they so often did. Usually, the theater was a great place to hide......but not always.


  1. Today was one of the days he wished - needed, actually - to be left alone. After everything that happened with Tricia at dinner, he needed time to think.
    Then he heard the whispers.

  2. Once the whispers started, he knew they wouldn't stop. It wasn't safe for him to be in the theater.

  3. Thomas grabbed the heavy duffel from beneath his feet and hurried out of the theater, careful not to glance behind him.

  4. He knew, without a doubt, that they'd followed him again.
